Tuesday, April 10, 2007

5- conflicts

When reading my book "The dig," I did find out that I did have a couple of conflicts involved in my book. One that popped out to me right away was man vs. supernatural. In my book an astroid his heading straight towards earth, and the government is trying to prevent it from happening. Mr. Low, Maggie (reporter), and a few other astronaughts go up into space to try to blow up the astroid or at least try to get as far away as they can. The bomb goes off and they all notice after that the astroid is still there, but they also notice a bright illuminous light coming from it. Low, Brink, and Maggie leave the ship to explore it, and to their amazement they find alien like scriptures inscribed in metal planks. Another conflict I notice in my book is Man vs. himself. Mr. Low to seems a little uptigt an more conservative in the beggining of the book. But as he watches and listens to the intrusive and quirky Maggie, he begins to reflect on himself and begins to mellow out. Maggie is an all over the place extraverted happy type person, so he has no choice but to open up. I not sure if I am going to use this last conflict term in the right sense, but the last conflict I notice is man vs. society. The group of astronaughts are trying to stop this astroid from what could eventually destroy parts of the earth all on their own. If they dont prevent it from hitting all of society could be in serious danger because they're not really sure where the astroid is going to hit, and how serious the damage will be.

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