Monday, April 9, 2007

Star Wars: Reaction

After, finishing watching the Star wars movie I'd have to say it was a lot better than I thought it would be. I guess I was reluctant in watching it in the first place because, I thought it was too long and very difficult to understand. I still think it is kind of difficult to understand but it was more interesting to watch than I thought it was. One question I had about the movie was at the end when Princess Leah and Luke were communicating without being near to each other. Can they communitcate psychically? Another question I found myself asking was, does Darth Vater have to stay evil or can decide to join to good side again? When watching the movie I kept being reminded of X-Men III The last stand. I think I was being reminded of X-men because movies use a lot of special effects. I wonder if it was really hard for George Lucas to incoroporate all of the different special effects in Star wars. I seen a lot of movies but none of them come close to the amount or quality of special effects put into them. My last question is, does Luke secretly deep down inside want to join his dad on the dark side? I say that because in the end he didn't really seem all that sure what he really wanted to do. Luke must have felt really dissapointed and shocked to find out that his own father was Darth Vater and that he wasnt dead. If it were me I would be dissapointed too, and I would try to convince him to join the good side.

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